Parish Groups

2016 Haiti News

St Bernard’s parish supports a sister parish in Meribalis Haiti.  We have been sending money for the poor for over ten years.  In 2002 we raised $60,0000 to build a school (Our Lady of Grace) and we sponsor the students every year.  The last couple of years we have been able to sponsor almost all 300 students. We ask $100 for the school year to sponsor.  We are connected to HOM of Detroit which yearly sends a team of medical and construction workers to help Catholic and Episcopal parishes in the area. We are always looking for other groups or parishes to come on board, as there is always plenty of need to go around.  Fr Faublas, the Catholic priest would love to be able to build another much needed school for a parish in his surrounding area. If you have any questions or want to learn more contact Kari Brown 670-4678.

Watch any of the youtube video's below to get a glimpse of the Haiti Outreach Mission (HOM).  There are many other youtube video's to watch.

Haiti Outreach Mission History

Haiti Outreach Mission 2010 part one