Parish Groups


Parish nursing is a national certified program for nurses to minister within their parishes. In recent years non-medical volunteers are being incorporated into our parish to further meet needs pertaining to good health. Parish nursing came into being as a holistic approach to health care, a link between home and hospital, and a contact to people's church and spirituality.

What does the parish nurse do?  

Reflects God's love through professional and personal caring and confidentiality.

Knows the community resources and refers people to the appropriate agency, physician or counselor. 

Helps members and neighborhood friends to utilize and understand the health care systems and services.

Serves as an advocate when people have difficulty making connections with care providers.

Makes hospital, nursing home and home visits.

Provides or arranges for health promoting educational programs.

Provides personal health counseling to individuals.

Encourages the formation of support and discussion in areas related to physical, emotional and spiritual health.

What parish nurses do NOT do?   
The nurse is not a primary health care giver, but one who facilitates the use of available resources of community and church.  They do not give injections or other invasive procedures that nurses do in the physician's office and hospital.
We are here to help or find the right help for you.  Priscilla Moorhouse RN, coordinator, is in the church office on Wed. and Fri. mornings from 9:00am to 12:00 noon.  Blood pressure screenings are held after each Mass on the 4th weekend of the month in the nurse’s office. If you or a friend need Parish Nurse services at any time, please contact the parish office 406-259-4350.

Blessed Mother Theresa is our patron of prayer.  "Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. “Gal 6:2